Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hear Karis' Story

On Saturdays I take an English 101 class, and my teacher is pure atheist, and this being my first semester doing dual credit it's all been kinda shocking. My teacher knows I'm a Christian, and during class he's always starting conversations about faith, bible, God, hope, grace, creation, forgiveness, and lots more. For homework in our class we always have two stories to read and we have to write a paper about each story every week, but we have 3 big papers over the whole semester. A Comparison paper, Persuasions paper, and a Research paper. So, for my persuasion paper I did mine on Teens for Orphans, and when I gave my speech I talked about what you guys are doing, and what an awesome thing is taking place, and since it's persuasion... I was persuading them to donate. ;D Anyway, yesterday my teacher handed me my paper, and said, 'Karis, don't forget to look inside.' I smiled and said ok, and kept writing. Once he walked away I looked my there and saw money. I was confused! I was like 'uuuh, why the heck did he just give me money?!' Then like 5 minutes later he came over and said, "Karis I just want you to know that you persuaded me to donate to this organization. It just sounds like a really great thing they are doing."
He had put $5 along with grade of %100 in my paper.

Isn't God awesome? Drop by Karis' blog and give her a hand!